Choosing The Right Niche For Your Blog
What is a niche? Why should choose the right niche for your blog? Perhaps this is in the head of my friends when reading the title above. The plain language of the niche is "a particular market". So when creating a blog, .... Which markets to target?I got a little story for my friends here. When I learned how to make my blog made this blog with the purpose of being a dummy blog to test various SEO tricks that are out there. I do this because there are so many theories out there and not all of them work well ....
Unintentionally, it turns out this blog continues to grow .... and make a lot of people want to imitate existing concepts in an easy trick this seo. Unfortunately they do not know that it is easy seo tricks are in a niche that can be said to be "not fun" ....
Why not fun? You should know that this is true seeker niche medium alone. Want good as what our position in Google remains the market is not a big market. If you want to create a blog that is crowded, so make a bustling market .... whether it be technology gadgets, or games, or ............ sex.
In segmentation SEO tutorial is a lot of support articles that should be made to complete his teaching, but the article itself seeker can be said very little ..... And the worst part was all the competitors are SEO enthusiasts ....
Complete. It's like watching a movie in which Bourne assassins high grade drill each other ....
So before you start something you want is not necessarily good friends read how to choose a niche that might be friends run with more "fun".
Find out the number of searches of Niche blog you will choose
So consider friends had made a list nichenya. Now make a list of keywords in every niche, and test it on a Google keyword Keyword Planner ....
One who needs friends noticed that the Google Keyword planner is different from the keyword tool, because it does not provide Planner Keyword search option broad (wide), and phrases (phrases). So there is only Exact search (Right).
What is the proper search? That means that the keywords entered must be exactly the same with the visitor typed. So for this course becomes easy for you .... do research using only the short tail keywords. If you are looking for the long tail then mostly the result is nil ....
What is a short tail keywords? That means keyword consists only of `1-3 words. For example SELL CHEAP LAPTOP. So go "meditation" in your room to collect as much as possible short for niche keywords that you shoot.
Calculate the potential visitors of the niche you chooseMake several short of niche keywords and combine the total monthly searches. Use the number of monthly searches locally if your target is only in the territory of Indonesia alone. What is the total amount you earn?
Multiply that number by 50% and then to 30 to get your daily traffic potential in the niche when you become the best in the niche. If you do not like the numbers that you see, then maybe it's time you look for another niche .... and say to yourself lucky not already a waste of energy makes the blog (^_^)
Btw, anyone asks why should multiplied by 50%? Quite simply, because not everyone is clicking rank 1 in Google. According to research from several observers SEO in america there, rank 1 only gets about 50% of the total search clicks.
Observe Competition From Niche You ChooseNot all niches was legit though search much. Indeed most of the niche that search much like chewing a brick and make bleeding gums. So after you collect the keyword time to go into battle and get to know who your opponent .....
If someone said I know your competition is by looking at the number of pages of search results, then it is a big lie. The only way to know the keyword competition is to recognize who your opponent in the first page .... The one on the second page and so it is not important at all.
Open Google; both for or .com and enter one by one keyword viewfinder and see who your opponent. Enter the URL to his homepage and see how many backlinknya is more than 5000, if the average backlinknya DoFollow, whether the reference domain variations over 200. If yes, then be prepared to work hard.
Why work hard? Because was far from accurate. So usually realnya is 10-20 times the value of which is shown by ahrefs .... Well, now what if the result is much more than that ..... forget to work hard, because you will fight tooth and nail for a few months to front.
Is your blog niche commercial choose?Once you know that search a lot, and also you know can beat them in the first page. So the next question, if you can produce anything from a blog? For example; how profitable value if after a popular blog that you put adsense. Or how much potential if you sell a product in accordance with niche affiliate you ....
To issue this one are endless when discussed in this blog, so I recommend friends around to forums perpetrators internet marketing or online business to "gain experience" .....
Once you fix with everything above, please start creating your own blog on blogspot or you can also try to make your own website using WordPress CMS .... Good Luck!
Thanks for this article very helpful. thanks. Low OBL SEO
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